Joan is still passionate about both the language and history of her adopted home and this is reflected in the books she writes.
A history graduate, turned teacher, then business woman and now an established author, Joan Fallon’s writes both fiction and non-fiction. Although she doesn’t always write in a particular genre, her work encompasses historical fiction, literary women’s fiction, and more recently, crime fiction.
Joan has lived in Spain since 1998 and has become immersed in the culture and language of her adopted home. Spanish history and culture have been the inspiration for many of her books and have provided some exotic settings for them. Joan focuses on two distinct periods in the country’s history, the Spanish Civil War and Moorish Spain. She is particularly interested in social history and her books are filled with those interesting small details that bring the period to life.
Joan also likes to write literary fiction for women, usually featuring a strong female character and exploring the emotions and relationships of the protagonist. Almost all her contemporary novels reflect the challenges that women have to face in the modern world.
Joan Fallon was born in Dumfries, Scotland, from an Irish father and a Scottish mother, so considers herself a Celt, despite the fact that she spent most of her adult life in England. Her father used to write in his spare time, and as a child her home was always full of books; the local library was her second home. Those early influences have stayed with her and have been the reason that she has had a life-long desire to write.
Joan is still passionate about both the language and history of her adopted home and this is reflected in the books she writes.
Many of her books have now been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian.
Joan is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors and The Society of Authors
Here is her Affiliate link if you are interested in joining the Alliance of Independent Authors.
Joan is a member of The Crime Writers’ Association.
Awards and Honours
News: old and new
December 2020
My first two audio books have been published: The Apothecary and The Pirate. So far they are only with a handful of distributors, but keep a look out for them on your favourite distributor. The Prisoner will be available in January.
3rd August 2020
Joan will be joining a U3A bookclub meeting on Zoom to discuss her novel Spanish Lavender.
7th April 2020
Joan has been invited to talk to the Torrox Spanish History Group at the Parquesol Restaurant, el Morche at 11.00 am. She will make a presentation on life for women under Franco’s rule: what the women themselves had to say about it. These interviews were published as the book Daughters of Spain. CANCELLED BECAUSE OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS
21st February 2020
Book signing:
Please come along to the launch of my latest historical novel The Pirate at the Bookworld Bookshop in Puerto Banus, Marbella, from 5pm until 7pm.
29th November 2019
Christmas sale at Lux Mundi in Torre del Mar 11am – 1pm. My new book, The Pirate, will be on sale at a special price.
6th November 2019
Presentation on Malaga during the Spanish Civil War for the University of the Third Age in Coin at 11.30
17th May 2019
Spring sale at Lux Mundi in Torre del Mar 11am – 1pm. My new book, The Apothecary, will be on sale at a special price.
14th May 2019
Joan has been invited to talk to the Torrox Spanish History Group about the Golden Age of Moorish Spain. Parquesol Restaurant, el Morche at 11.00 am
8th April 2019
Copies of The Apothecary are now available from Amazon and other on-line bookshops.
24th – 29th January 2019
THE ONLY BLUE DOOR on special offer at £0.99
30th November 2018
Christmas sale at Lux Mundi in Torre del Mar 11am – 1pm. My books will all be on sale at special Christmas prices.
28th September 2018
Please come along to the launch of my latest novel Love Is All at the Bookworld Bookshop in Puerto Banus, Marbella, from 5pm until 8pm.
27th August 2018
Love Is All is available in paperback from Amazon and both local and on-line bookshops
24th July 2018
The Kindle version of Love Is All is available for purchase on Amazon
29th May 2018
Very happy to have the first of my books translated into Spanish. Santiago Tales now becomes Cuentos de Santiago and will be available in paperback and as an ebook in a range of formats. The next one will be The Shining City.
4th May 2018
Spring sale at Lux Mundi in Torre del Mar, 11am – 1pm. My books will all be on sale at discounted prices.
3rd April 2018
Joan has been invited to talk to the Torrox Spanish History Group about Malaga during the Spanish Civil War. Parquesol Restaurant 11.00
13th March 2018 and 10th April
Informal chats with students about Joan’s novels, particularly the al-Andalus series.
23rd January 2018
Joan has been invited to attend their monthly meeting and discuss her book The Shining City, which the members are reading in December.
1st December 2017
Christmas sale at Lux Mundi in Torre del Mar 11am – 1pm. My books will all be on sale at special Christmas prices.
13th November 2017
Joan will be speaking at the monthly luncheon in Trapiche about the importance of primary sources in historical fiction
10th November 2017
The al-Andalus series of historical novels are now on sale in the museum bookshop at Madinat al-Zahra, near Córdoba. As Madinat al-Zahra forms the backdrop to all three books in the series, they were considered to be of interest to visitors.
7th November 2017
Presentation on Malaga during the Spanish Civil War for the University of the Third Age in Marbella at 15.00 Held at the Hapimag Resort.
19th October 2017
The launch of the third book in the al-Andalus series, The Ring of Flames, will be held at Smiff’s bookshop in Nerja at 11am. The book is currently available as an ebook from Amazon.
28th July 2017
Kindle version of The Ring of Flames, Book 3 in the al-Andalus series available. Currently available for pre-order.
28th June 2017 at 20.00
Nerja Ladies’ Book Club
Joan has been invited to attend their monthly meeting and sign copies of her novel The Shining City.
11th May 2017
The Shining City received a ‘Chill with a Book’ award.
16th April 2017
Book signing at the Ilunion Hotel in Los Boliches, Fuengirola. CUDECA market from 10.30 to 15.00
4th April 2017
Presentation on The Golden Age of Moorish Spain for the University of the Third Age in Marbella at 15.00
Held at the Hapimag Resort.
8th February 2017
My latest novel THE THREAD THAT BINDS US will be published and released for sale on 8th February 2017. Order your advanced copies now on Amazon.
3rd February 2017
To celebrate the launch of my latest novel The Thread That Binds Us, I will be signing copies at the English Bookshop in Luis de Sabinillas, Manilva, Spain on Friday morning from 11am. If you are in the area drop in and join us for a glass of wine.
November 2016
My novel Palette of Secrets was nominated runner-up in the Shelf Unbound 2016 Best Indie Book competition
20th May 2016
If any of you live in the Estepona region of the Costa del Sol, Spain, why not come along and meet me at the Sabinillas English Bookshop on Friday morning at 11am. I will be signing copies of my books, old and new and would be delighted to see you.
20th April 2016
To celebrate the launch of her new book Palette of Secrets, Joan will be signing copies at Smiffs Bookshop in Nerja on Wednesday 20th April at 11.00
2nd April 2016 Release date of Palette of Secrets
6th March 2016
You can pre-order copies of Palette of Secrets now on Amazon Release date 2nd April 2016
24th February 2016
As part of the Spanish Civil War exhibition in Casemates Square, Gibraltar, Joan will be taking part in a ‘Meet the author’ event at the Gibraltar Bookshop on Wednesday 24th February 2016 at 14.30.
8th February 2016
Joan will talk about the history behind the al-Andalus series of novels: The Shining City and The Eye of the Falcon
10th December 2015
The second book in the al-Andalus series, THE EYE OF THE FALCON will be available from Amazon and other retailers.
4th November 2015
Just signed a contract with S&H Publishing for my new book Palette of Secrets (previously self-published as M is for Memories) Due out SOON
FREE ebook copies of LOVING HARRY from Apple iBooks
from 23rd February 2015 for one month
April 14th 2015 2pm
PROBUS gentlemen’s lunch at Trapiche
Joan will be talking about how she goes about writing a new book
December 2014
Joan’s historical novel, The Shining City was recommended as a notable book in the epic/saga category.
November 16th 2014
Joan will be taking part in the annual Indie Author Fair in Chorley Wood, Buckinghamshire from 2.00 until 5 pm .
SPECIAL OFFER November 1st to November 7th
Kindle copies of SPANISH LAVENDER will be on sale at only £0.93 or $1.50
September 8th 2014
Joan will be speaking at the monthly luncheon in Trapiche about her latest book THE SHINING CITY
13th August 2014
Nicole King will be interviewing Joan and asking her about her books at 16.45
March 8th 2014
Joan and other local authors will be selling signed copies of their books at the TAMISA HOTEL in Mijas, 4pm to 6pm.
February 25th 2014
Joan has been invited to attend their monthly meeting and discuss her book The House on the Beach, which the members are reading in February.
November 2013
Win a paperback copy of the novel ‘Spanish Lavender’ in the Goodreads Giveaway promotion, which is running until 30th November. Just click on the link above and enter your name.
November 2013
Joan’s novel The Only Blue Door was short-listed for IPR’s book of the month.
10th July 2013
Joan participated in a book review panel, recommending books that would meet the criteria of ‘a good summer read’. Her choices were ‘Mr Penumbra’s 24-hour Bookstore’ by Robin Sloan and ‘The Wind from the East’ by Almudena Grandes.
6th June 2013
Karen McMahon interviewed Joan for her afternoon programme on Mijas 340 TV. Joan answered questions about why and how she became a writer and the highs and lows of her profession. The programme will be broadcast on 17th June.
6th May 2013
Joan has been invited to talk about her book Daughters of Spain and what life was like for women living in Spain under Franco’s regime.
11th February 2013
Joan has been invited to share some of her secrets on writing a novel at the monthly lunch at the Trapiche restaurant in Velez Málaga.
14th December 2012
Joan has been invited to join the group at their Christmas meeting to discuss her novel Between the Sierra and the Sea.
5th November 2012
Joan has been invited to join the group when they discuss her novel Between the Sierra and the Sea.
14th – 21st October 2012
The second of these popular writing workshops will take place 14th – 21st October 2012 at the Finca Niño in Benajarafe, Málaga. Go to the following website for full details: www.fincanino.com
16th October 2012
Joan will be speaking at the Open Door Day at the Biblioteca Nordica and will be happy to sign copies of her books.
between 15.00 and 17.00
5th October 2012
Joan appeared on Fuengirola television with Marja Tahtinen from the Biblioteca Nordica to promote the open day at the Biblioteca Nordica.
9th June 2012
Joan will be reading extracts from her books at the Inspiration, Talent and Creation Showcase in Calahonda.
The event will be held in The Loft bar from 12.30 until 5.00
28th May 2012
Joan has been invited to talk to the members of the Rosilla Bookclub on their first anniversary.
October 7th 2011
Joan will be speaking to the Nerja History Group about her book “Daughters of Spain”.
May 2011
Joan has been invited to take part in a video conference with the students of Dundee High School who are studying an Advanced Higher course in Spanish to discuss her book “Daughters of Spain”.
Saturday 23rd April 2011
Joan will be at the Bookworld book shop in the Miramar Commercial Centre in Fuengirola signing copies of her latest novel “Between the Sierra and the Sea”.
Wednesday 20th April 2011
Joan will be at the Bookworld book shop in the Ingenio Commercial Centre in Velez Malaga signing copies of her latest novel “Between the Sierra and the Sea”.
March 12th 2011
Joan took part in the “Authors’ Showcase” at the Hotel Tamisa Golf in Mijas on 12th March 2011. It was a book showcase of local published authors, poets and artists. She was presented with the Best Non-Fiction Award for her book “Daughters of Spain”.
February 16th 2011
Joan will be speaking at the Capistrano Social Club in Nerja on Wednesday 16th February about her book “Daughters of Spain”. The lecture is only open to members and residents of Capistrano.