NOVEMBER UPDATE: Joint monthly newsletter
The alcazaba in Malaga Work on my latest series of historical novels is progressing well. I have had a change of heart about the name of the series, which I […]
Tasty book reviews from Expand The Table
After my novel The Only Blue Door received an IndieBRAG award I received a message from Susan Weintrob whose regular blog is a mixture of food recipes and book reviews, […]
A Choice
Welcome to my guest blogger this month, Lisa J Yarde, historical novelist, speaker and blogger. This is the third in a series of blogs about what it must have been […]
What do you do when you believe you have lost everything?
My latest novel, Love Is All is at last available for purchase on Kindle. Those of you who prefer the comforting feel of a paperback will have to wait another […]
The Many Marvels of Medicine in 10th Century Islamic Spain
In the second of my blogs about what it was like to be living in al-Andalus, I have invited the author John D Cressler to participate with a blog about […]
Her home background inspired a love of history: meet Lisa Yarde
Good morning Lisa, thank you for talking to us today.Thanks so much for inviting me as a guest. I admire you very much. First of all, would you like to […]
Combining a full-time career, family and being a successful novelist: meet John D Cressler
Good morning John. Well I suppose my first question is a little self-evident. How did a Schlumberger Chair Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering decide to become […]
At the court of Felipe IV of Spain
Welcome to JG Harlond, author of the best selling historical novel series THE CHOSEN MAN. Today she tells us about Book Two, A TURNING WIND, and the historical background to it. […]
What was like to be a concubine of the Royal harem in Moorish Spain?
In the Harem by Fillippo Barratti My name is Najm. I belong to the most powerful man in the world. His name is Abd al-Rahman III, caliph of al-Andalus. It […]
More than one way to be a pilgrim
Now is the time of year when people start thinking about walking the Camino de Santiago. In summer it’s very hot and in the winter it rains; the higher roads […]