Much of the research into 10th century Andalusia, and Córdoba in particular, had already been done when I wrote the first book in the series, THE SHINING CITY, but the sequel was thirty years on and many things had changed. History books on the period, trips into the city itself and to the ruins of Madinat al-Zahra, and of course, the invaluable tool of Google, provided the material to fill in the gaps.

This is a work of fiction but is based on historical fact and therefore, while many of the characters in the novel are fictitious, some are historical figures who played their part in the downfall of the Omayyads: the Princess Subh, al-Mansur, General Ghálib and al-Mushafi.
The Eye of the Falcon is available for pre-order now from Amazon kindle and the paperback version will be out in December, in time for Christmas stocking-fillers.
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